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Tax-free cash from your business

Tax-free cash from your business

If you are in need of cash quickly, you could have your company lend it to you or pay you as extra income. The downside of this could be that it results in national insurance (NI) or tax bills for you and your business. But there are ways to extract the cash in a more...
Home-to-work travel

Home-to-work travel

HMRC have updated their guidance on home-to-work travel costs in a situation where an employee’s home is also their workplace. How have these latest updates affected your right to tax relief? HMRC have made updates to be more defined for tax relief for travel costs...
New student loan procedure

New student loan procedure

After thousands of taxpayers over repaid their student loans due to the PAYE system, HMRC say their new procedure will help to avoid this. The official statistics show that every year around 1.5 million people borrow money through the Student Loans Company (SLC). The...