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High Streets of Tomorrow: How to Thrive and Grow in your Local Leicestershire Market Town

Don’t miss out on the Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council’s High Streets of Tomorrow event next week, part of the Leicester Business Festival 2018.

Leicestershire’s Market Towns represent a total of more than £2 billion of spending power. Local businesses are a crucial part of communities bringing variation and vitality to town centres and high streets, keeping money circulating in local economies and maintaining a sense of community.

This event will showcase the offers of the Leicestershire Market Towns from events to improved physical environments encouraging local business. Sophie Hainsworth & Jason Nesbitt from the local Leicestershire business LoyalFree, the loyalty app for towns and cities, will share their story from the launch of the company in 2016 and how they have gone on to win a host of national awards. They will be sharing their story of expansion across the UK with a key focus on their work with local partners. Dr Fiona Ellis Chadwick from Loughborough University will also reveal the importance of having a digital presence on the High street.

The Leicestershire Market Town study highlights that the 11 market town centres have a combined economic value of around £1.1 billion and collectively provide employment for more than 25,000 people. This underlines the economic importance of Leicestershire’s market towns and indicates that a relatively modest growth in percentage terms could deliver significant economic benefits in absolute terms.

Speakers include:

  • Welcome and Chair- Bill Cullen, Chief Executive Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council

  • Dr Fiona Ellis Chadwick, School of Business & Economics Loughborough University

  • Sophie Hainsworth and Jason Nesbitt, LoyalFree

  • Representatives from each of the Leicestershire market towns will be available to explain their towns offer.

The event takes place at The Green Rooms, Hinckley Masonic Hall, St. Mary’s Road, Hinckley, LE10 1EQ.

To register to attend, please visit https://lbf2018.ticketleap.com/high-streets-of-tomorrow-how-to-thrive-and-grow-in-your-local-l/